Sunday, 28 October 2012

Trangia Race

Lay out at least two packed trangia stoves on a table and then have individual scouts or leaders race to unpack them and set them up ready to use, with a pan and handle on top. First to complete the setup wins! Race another set of people to pack the trangia up again, with the strap done up.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Tube Duel

Inspired by the Cardboard Tube Fighting League and its Tube Duel website, we ordered and systematically destroyed 50 cardboard postal tubes in a tournament style!

Scout Group Pinewood Derby 2012

Our Scout Group ran its annual Pinewood Derby event again this year. We had 50 participants signed up from Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Guides.

Anyone looking to run a similar event in the UK should get in touch. We have experience of running events with our purpose built Pinewood Derby track (shown in the picture), complete with electronic finish line technology! We are based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Tube Duel - Cardboard Tube Fighting League (CTFL)

I came across the Tube Duel - Cardboard Tube Fighting League site whilst preparing for a knights themed birthday party. As long as the Scouts adhered to the rules, I think this would make a good activity / competition to bring to the UK. The prize swords on the site look great, particularly given their back-story! There's space to make this activity as theatrical as you like, create cardboard armour, get someone to play the bagpipes and get everyone psyched up! (Braveheart's freedom speech?)