Friday, 17 December 2010

Morse code

Equipment required:
Morse code generator
Bell wire
Morse code cypher
... and a message to send!

Scouting Quiz No.24: National Trust

Scouting Quiz No.23: Scouting

Scouting Quiz No.22: Road Signs

Scouting Quiz No.21: Birds

Scouting Quiz No.20: First Aid

Scouting Quiz No.19: Cycling

Scouting Quiz No.18: R.S.S. Discovery

Scouting Quiz No.17: Map / Compass

Scouting Quiz No.16: Flag

Scouting Quiz No.15: Knots

Scouting Quiz No.14: Scouting

Scouting Quiz No.13: Coins

Scouting Quiz No.11: Road Signs

Scouting Quiz No.12: Scouting

Scouting Quiz No.10: First Aid

Scouting Quiz No.9: Church

Scouting Quiz No.8: Pioneering

Scouting Quiz No.7: Axe

Scouting Quiz No.6: Scouting

Scouting Quiz No.5: Knots

Scouting Quiz No.4: Knots

Scouting Quiz No.3: Scouting

Scouting Quiz No.2: Knots

Scouting Quiz No.1: Semaphore

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Pinewood Derby UK

We must be one of only a handful of Scout Groups to have run a Pinewood Derby in the UK. I've no idea why it has not taken off here, but it is extremely popular in the USA.
We built our own track, sourced some kits and got 25 participants for our first Derby. Below is a picture of the badge participants got. I also made some Pinewood Derby trophies that double as a stand for the winning cars.
If you are interested in running something similar, have a look at this site:
pinewood derby badge

Hot-Air Balloons / Chinese Lanterns

Made with a dry-cleaning bag, a mince pie foil case, a couple of bits of wire and some cotton soaked in meths!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Crazy Golf

Using bits of old carpet, recycled materials and a whole lot of gaffa tape.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Tinkering School

Imagine letting your kid use a power tool or take some household object apart...
5 Dangerous Things for Kids
Tinkering School in Action

Marshmallow Challenge

Marshmallow Challenge

Using only spaghetti, string and tape, create the highest freestanding structure that will hold a marshmallow...

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Rope Circle

Using a strong, thick and appropriately long length of rope, Scouts stand in a circle and hold on to the rope tied in a circle.

The challenge is for a member of the team to climb onto the rope held by the Scouts and to walk around the circle without touching the ground.


Using a length of rope and three staves, build a freestanding tripod.

After building these teams can take turns at kicking a football at the tripods from the other end of the ahll to knock the opposition's tripod over. A test of stability!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 1 March 2010

Stave Hockey (teams)

Players are issued with a stave each.
A chair is placed at either end as a goal (between the front chair legs and to hit the back wall between the back chair legs)
Teams take up position at either end of the hall.
Players must keep staves below waist height and not swing excessively.
A coit, tray or tupperware lid could be used.


Two teams take up position at either end of the hall on one side.
Players select a skittle to represent themselves and place it on the other side of the hall at their end.

When a player's skittle is knocked down by an opponent throwing a ball, then that player must sit out.
The aim of the game is to knock down the other team's skittles and thus eliminate each opponent fom the game,

Bucket Ball

Two teams at opposite ends of the hall.
One member of the team stands on a chair with a bucket at the opponents end of the hall.
Players score by getting the ball into their bucket. Players cannot move when holding the ball. This is a non-contact game.

Boxing Glove game / Haggis Game

Players stand in a circle around a leader who swings a boxing glove around the circle on a rope.
Players must jump over the boxing glove / rope. If touched by the boxing glove / rope a player is eliminated and sits out.
The winner is the player who is last in.
Alternative equipment might be a knot on the end of the rope (eg monkey fist), or gaffa tape roll (but not too heavy).


Players line up in two teams at either end of the hall with their feet apart and touching their neighbours.

When a beanbag or tennis ball is thrown (underarm) between a players legs by an opponent then they are out and must sit down. No defending is allowed.
Stray beanbags are collected by members of the team behind the line of players, in order to reload.

Time in the Centre

All players form a circle.
One team enters the circle and forms a line, one behind the other, holding on to each others waists in a caterpillar formation.
The players in the circle have to eliminate the team in the centre by hitting the last member of the team below the waist with the ball. When a team-member is out they leave the circle.
The time taken is recorded for each team to be eliminated.
The winning team is the team which stayed in the centre for the longest.

Four Corners

Players are split into four teams and take up position in the four corners or quandrants of the hall.
Players must defend their region by keeping the ball out of their space.
A whistle is blown at random intervals, at which point the position of the ball is noted against whichever team has it in their area.
The winners are the team with the fewest points.


Selected individuals may eliminate other players by hitting them with a ball below the waist.
Once out a player must sit out of the playing area.


Two teams at either ends of the hall with no-mans-land in between.
Players hit with the ball below the waist by an opponent are out.
Once out a player must move to the wall behind their opponents. If they cleanly catch the ball thrown by one of their team-mates then they are back in and can rejoin their team.