Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Camel Racing

A game derived from / inspired by 'horse & jockey'.
Two teams numbered off and instructed to form a piggy back team when numbers are called.

Two or more chairs should be set up in the mid-line of the hall in a line or at least one at either end. This is to form a circuit (similar to musical chairs), with space for a 180 degree turn at either end.

On forming a piggy back pair, participants should be positioned on either side of the barrier, in the middle of the hall, and facing opposite directions.
A scout necker/scarf should be tied around the jockey's head, not as a blind-fold, but to get into character as a camel rider!

On a whistle blow, the camels should race around the circuit in a pursuit chase. The winner is the camel that catches up with its opposition.

Repeat races with different combinations of camels/riders, and keep tally of score.

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