Sunday, 20 November 2011

War Memorial Tour on Remembrance Day 2011

I could not get access to the Scots American War Memorial in Princes Street Gardens or the Scottish National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle on the evening (despite asking), so here's what we did instead...

We walked the Scouts up from where we meet, into central Edinburgh and then stopped at various war memorials along Princes Street (above the one in Princes Street Gardens), on to the Kings Own Scottish Borderers Memorial on North Bridge and then up to the War Memorial at the City Chambers, discussed here.

At each stop I read something out that I had got from the internet, either some information or a relatively well know poem. In Flanders Fields, or the one with 'we will remember them' in it.

At one of the early stops I gave them each a slip of red paper and asked them to carry it to the next stop and then at the next stop while I read a poem they passed a pen around and were invited to write on their paper 'we will remember them', then they carried it to the next stop and while I read another poem my Assistant Scout Leader stapled all the bits of paper in loops around a black circle of paper to make a poppy which we laid at the City Chambers memorial.

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